Data Science Lecture 1″ Reading a .csv Dataset using Pandas

Data Science Lecture 1″ Reading a .csv Dataset using Pandas

Pandas is a module in Python, used for data manipulation, and is an essential tool for Data Sciences and Machine Learning.

In this article, we will learn how to read a .csv dataset into a Jupyter Notebook/Google Colab using the Pandas Module.

Step 1: Import the Pandas Module using the command: import pandas as pd

Step 2: If you are using Google Colab: from google.colab import files

Then: uploaded = files.upload() (This will give you the option to upload the desired files)

If using Jupyter Notebook, simply enter the path and import the file

Step 3: Read the dataset: pd.read_csv('filename.csv')

These are the initial steps on how to import a .csv dataset onto your preferred Data Science tool, i.e Google Colab or Jupyter Notebook.

For example on Google Colab

For reference watch:


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