The Disease of Extremism

The Disease of Extremism

In some recent days, we saw heights of extremism. With extremism, I mean every kind of extremism, whether it is religious extremism or liberal extremism. We saw examples of both types in a row. Extremism is something that provokes society. It instigates a war in society. Extremism leads to chaos and anarchy, which ultimately leads to the destruction of society. I will divide both extremes into two parts, and talk about them.

First of all, coming to religious extremism. Religious extremism rises when people don’t use wisdom. These religious extremists use the name of Islam to spread violence. They go too far in it. They start burning State property, killing people, who go against their views. This sense of extremism is very dangerous for society. We saw a reflection of it, in recent days. A group, a mob of people get violent and start burning State’s property. They do not tolerate anything and break laws. These extremists, from nowhere represent Islam. No one becomes a complete Muslim unless or until that person loves and respects the Holy Prophet (PBUH), however, instigating the people on his name is against the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Holy Prophet (PBUH) never taught us to harm anyone. We need to get rid of such a type of extremism. This extremism gives a negative view about Islam and the Muslims to non-Muslims. This gives a view to the non-Muslims that Muslims, God-Forbid, are terrorists, and hence it gives rise to Islamophobia. However, let me make this clear that Muslims are not terrorists. Terrorists are terrorists and are extremists. Tamil Tigers were Hindus, but no one blamed Hinduism for terrorism.

Why are we Muslims not strong in the world? The answer to this question is that we have deviated from our real principles. People have become so extreme, too extreme heights of extremism, that they are not ready to tolerate anyone. And looking at this, the West and the non-Muslims take advantage of such a situation and then disrespect our religion, our Prophet (PBUH), and the Muslims. Then they try to provoke the Muslims more by disrespecting the Prophet (PBUH), and the religion of Islam. When they do such disrespectful deeds, they expect the Muslims to react aggressively, and the Muslims react so aggressively that they burn their own State’s property, kill their own Law Enforcers, kill their own Muslim citizens, spread outrage, block the roads, and stop ambulances taking patients to the hospitals. We, Muslims need to control our emotions and give the West a clear message with our constructive arguments, that we, |Muslims are not terrorists, we are peaceful Muslims, and we love and respect our Holy Prophet (PBUH), and no one should dare talk against our Prophet (PBUH), or Islam, because this causes pain to us, the Muslims. We demand an apology from the West, and appeal to the West, that they must ban blasphemy against our religion and our Prophet (PBUH). The way they have outlawed anything against Holocaust, that way, they must outlaw anything against Islam. Islamophobia needs to be STOPPED at all costs. The West needs to respect the feelings of 1.3 billion Muslims around the globe.

Coming to the second type of extremism, the liberal extremism. This type of extremism is also spreading cancer in society, and destroying society. These liberal extremists are influenced by the Western, and anti-State elements. They have the power of media, and social media, and by using it, they, spread negativity about the State, and religion. These liberal extremists spread misinformation, false news and inappropriate comments about our State, our Religion, our Prophet (PBUH), and our Holy Quran. These people use Women’s Rights for their personal gains. They gain sympathies in the name of Women’s Rights and then raise anti-State and anti-religion slogans. This class of extremists think of themselves as above law. They think that THEY ARE THE BEST however, they are not the best, they think they are open-minded, whereas, they are very narrow-minded, they have no wisdom. They do not have the guts to accept criticism against them. They do personal attacks on anyone who goes against their ideology. They are extremists because this attitude is very extreme. These people, in fact, control the social media platforms and the media platforms. This extreme is destroying the generations because they lack morality and social sense. For them, it is ONLY they who Rules the World, but the fact is that Allah Almighty Rules the World, and we are answerable to Him only, and we think only Allah’s Laws be implemented.

In this world, where, we have two extremes, one that uses religion to provoke people against the State, and the other which uses social rights, and religion to provoke people against the State. One extreme wants to burn everything, make the world hell for the people, and the other extreme wants people to move away from religion and accept the West’s views on Islam. Instead of giving them a clear message of Islam, they invite the West to disrespect Islam and the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Both extremes are the root cause of Islamophobia and violence in the world. Both extremes need to shun these extremist ideas and come towards true Islamic principles, which will help lead a pious, and respectful life. Our character must be that strong that no one should dare speak against our State, our Religion, and our Prophet (PBUH).

I hope that you understand that extremism cause problems and violence in society, and ends tolerance in the society, hence to make a peaceful and progressive world and bring people towards education, both worldly and religious education. Teach them true Islamic principles, and teach them literature, science and technology. STOP EXTREMISM, COME TO NORMAL. Be Normal, Stay Normal. Use wisdom and knowledge to tell the West that we love our Holy Prophet (PBUH), as there is no doubt that Muslims have to love and respect the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The need is, be peaceful, avoid conflicts. Come study the true Islamic Principles, as there is only one Islam, and that Islam is what the Holy Prophet (PBUH) taught us. End sectarianism, end killing your own Muslim brothers. Stop challenging the State, because when you challenge the State, the State has all rights to maintain its writ, and stop such people.

So my appeal is, again, to stop extremism. Extremism gives nothing but intolerance and violence.

I hope you get my point.

Thank You






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