The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the country which is made in the name of Islam, has now got diverted from its real ideology, which was to have a society based on the welfare Islamic State of Medina. Pakistan’s sole purpose was to have a separate Muslim state based on the principles of the State of Madina. Unfortunately, even after independence, the people here did not get out of the slavery of the British. All the rules and regulations, which the British imposed were still in use, and the colonial mindset of the people has given a lot of damage to this country’s growth and development.
From the very beginning, our society is divided into different classes: elite class, upper-middle-class, lower-middle-class, and lower class. This division of society is one of the major problems in our society. We have different laws for the rich and the poor, which is straight away injustice. The same is the problem in education, the English medium, the Urdu medium, and the Deeni Madaris (Religious Schools). All the people, who can afford, send their children to English medium schools, where they are being provided Western education, mostly O/A Levels, whereas the lower middle class, who can’t afford to send their children to these extra-expensive schools, have to send their children to government schools, which, unfortunately, have been left behind, due to lack of attention and incompetence. Furthermore, there are millions of children who don’t even go to school. With this educational apartheid, a nation cannot develop. Our illiteracy rate is very high which is the cause of our decline, so the first thing, which Pakistanis should have is an equal education system for all children in Pakistan. We need a 100% literacy rate with equal high standard education in order to compete with the developed world, and hence can become a developed country. So, education is the most important thing for a country to develop in the world.
Moving on, we have seen that, since the beginning, Pakistanis have not still come out of the colonial mindset, which the British left as a sign of their existence in the region. We, here think, that a person who speaks English, and wears English suits are very rich people and that everyone should speak English, even if they don’t know how to speak. People here feel proud to speak English, though it is a foreign language, still, our mindset is still stuck in that old colonial days. Our national language is Urdu, and must always be Urdu, and we as Pakistanis should be proud to have such a beautiful language as our national language. The Turks feel proud to speak Turkish, the Germans feel proud to speak the German language, Arabs feel proud to speak Arabic, why don’t we feel proud? Why do we think speaking English is a sign of being educated and modern? I don’t understand the mindset of our Pakistani people. If we don’t take care of our identity, we will be lost as a nation, so please, being a youth, I advise the youth to take care of your country and don’t get influenced by foreign cultures. I am not saying that don’t learn English or study Western education, I myself have done O/A Levels from one of the prestigious schools in Islamabad, but let me say, keep culture away from your education. Don’t let foreign countries influence their culture on us, we, as Pakistanis must be united to preserve our motherland.
Moreover, I have some concerns related to the ideas of liberalism as well as conservatism in Pakistan. I have seen that in some recent years, the upper class, the elite class, are very much inspired by the West. These people try to look like Western people showing off as if they are very modernized and Westernized people, but they don’t know the realities very well. The way they dress up, the way they walk, talk and do everything, is just not our culture but copied from the West. These people think they are so-called “Liberals”. Liberalism to that extent is not even allowed. We are a Muslim country and we have to follow the principles and laws of Islam, and hence the so-called foreign agenda of these liberals is not justified. There is a feminist movement, which is also a foreign agenda to destabilize the country. They talk about women rights, and in that, they degrade men. When the Holy Quran has laid down all principles and we have the Sunnah, why do these people challenge it? They think all problems are due to religion, which is wrong and they must be afraid of doing such acts. We have proper laws about men and women in Islam, which must be followed at all costs. The rights of men and women have been well-defined in our religion, hence, there is no way of challenging them. As far as the crimes are concerned, if we have proper law enforcement and proper punishments, then people will think a thousand times before committing such crimes.
We are a Muslim country, hence Islamic education must be compulsory in our country for all Muslims. Children must be taught Islamic principles, and Seerat-un-Nabi in all classes, even in graduation, and not just for the sake of exam, but for life. Our children must be given proper Islamic education and Islamic traditions must be taught to them so that they don’t forget their identities as Muslims. Muslims must be taught Islam, as it is our religion, and also other education so that they come into the mainstream, and compete with the world. I am also totally against conservatism because their ideologies are also very extreme. Both liberalism and conservatism are extremes, which our society has taken over. We must rather follow true Islamic principles based on the Holy Quran and Sunnah.
The people don’t follow the religion properly, and then they say, that everything wrong happening is due to Islam, and Pakistan. Why do people think that way? We must put a ban on all those things which are damaging the social and moral values of our society. Our social and moral values have gone corrupt like our people have gone financially corrupt (will be talking about Corruption in the next article), and we must strive to preserve our national, religious, social and moral values at all costs, or hence we will be lost. We must be aware of our social and cultural values and stop having been influenced by the West, rather, we should follow our culture, not the one which is from India, but OUR culture, the Pakistani culture, which is very rich.
I had to talk about much more things but to keep it short, I will be doing it in some future articles, till then I believe that people will understand the importance of their country, education, and religion, and hope that they will try to look into themselves and analyze, that are we justified by bringing in Western culture, instead of promoting our own culture, which is very much better and rich than the Western culture. SO, I will end by saying that May Allah Almighty guide us as a Nation, and protect us from the evils of the world.
اللہ پاک پاکستان کا حامی و ناصر ہو پاکستان پائندہ آباد
Disclaimer: This article is based upon the writer’s own personal views from which you can agree or disagree. This article is not to impose the views on someone, but to highlight some problems in society.
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