Pakistan emerged on the map of the world on 14th August 1947, 27th Ramzan al Mubarak. It came into being as a struggle for independence from the hegemony of the British and the Hindu Supremacists. Mr Muhammad Ali Jinnah worked day and night along with other leaders and common Muslims of the subcontinent to achieve independence. However, from the very beginning, the newly born state of Pakistan faced many challenges amidst the ongoing Cold War of the time.
In the Cold War, there were two blocs, either a country had to join the Capitalist USA bloc or it had to join the Socialist USSR bloc, and so Pakistan, forcefully had to join the Capitalist USA bloc, but did that prove to be a right decision? I will be talking about it in this article.
Well, since we got independence from the British, we subsequently went into the slavery of the United States, being their so-called allies. Why do you think the USA was so keen to have relations with Pakistan? The main reason was that they could use Pakistan’s soil for their counteractions against the USSR, and Pakistan was kind of a perfect destination, both geographically as well as politically. But was it beneficial for Pakistan? In a short term, it was beneficial as it helped lift the economy, but in the long run, it proved to be disastrous. Taking sides proved to be a big mistake.
By providing Air Bases and becoming their so-called allies, we got enslaved and had to obey whatever they tried to impose on us, hence our Foreign Policy was also based on their dictation. Now, this is a part of the history, when Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan planned to visit Moscow, in the early 1950s, as an attempt to make use of the independence and do whatever was in the interest of Pakistan, the USA did not like that, and subsequently got PM Liaqat Ali Khan killed during a public rally. This was blatant interference in our independence and sovereignty. Is this what you do to an ally, that if he goes against your biased wishes, you kill them? So, from here the USA started showing its true colours.
This is a history of the USA, that where ever they see that the country is going against their(USA) interest, they launch an operation of either regime change or economic and social sanctions. Now, about the regime change operations, this has been an old tactic of the USA, as they get the leader or the government of the country removed, and impose their puppets on that country.
The history shows the regime change operations of Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, etc. Whenever, the leaders of such leaders, try to challenge the hegemony of the USA, the USA either kills the leader, dethrones him, or imposes sanctions on that country and threatens to kick them back into the stone age.
When PM Liaqat Ali Khan was shot dead, a new government came, and the relations with the USA again got better and again became so-called allies. President Ayub Khan was very much close to the USA, but still, when he turned towards the USSR, after the Tashkent Declaration, his government came into hot waters.
Fast forward to the Bhutto era, when Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto tried to challenge the hegemony of the West, got more inclined toward the USSR bloc, and also gathered the Muslim Leaders for the OIC Summit in Lahore (1974), and tried to establish an Islamic bloc amidst these 2 blocs. We all know, what happened to him as well as the leaders who were along with him. Prime Minister Bhutto received a threatening letter from the then Sect. of State of the USA Henry Kissinger, and he waved that in the public telling the public about the conspiracy being hatched against him, and then through the USA funding, the Opposition Parties combined and started creating chaos and anarchy in the country, subsequently leading to the imposition of a Martial Law of Gen Zia-ul-Haq, and then PM Bhutto was hanged through what is known to be a ‘Judicial Murder’. This regime change was once again successful for the USA. This regime change also happened due to the independent foreign policy for Pakistan, which the USA did not like.
Gen Zia-ul-Haq, when came into power, once again became close to the USA, obeyed every order that the USA gave them, and also joined the Afghan Jihad along with the USA, thus fighting for the USA. That war brought in millions of refugees, drugs, crimes, Klashinkow culture and much more to this country, and Pakistan was again under the slavery of the USA. And when their interest was gone, they threw once again threw away Pakistan like a tissue paper and then Zia-ul-Haq was killed in an aeroplane crash. Then after that, the decade of the 90s was an era of sanctions.
However, fast forward, to 9/11, when once again Pakistan was forced to fight the War on Terror for the United States in Afghanistan. President Bush threatened President Musharraf that if Pakistan doesn’t join their War on Terror, it would be bombed into the Stone Age, and hence President Musharraf had to bow down before the USA, and this war once again brought in terrorism and extremism in the country and hence destruction in our Tribal Areas. Pakistan had to sacrifice 80,000+ lives for this foreign war, and still the USA, instead of appreciating Pakistan on its role, we were in return blamed for terrorism, and were asked to “DO MORE”. From 2001-to 2018, around 400 drone attacks had happened in Pakistan in total. The USA was controlling our foreign policy as well as our everything.
Sadly, no leader from Pakistan raised their voices against the USA’s unethical and criminal activities in our country, and instead provided them legitimacy to bomb Pakistan. How can a foreign country do Military Operations in some sovereign country without its consent? Our Sovereignty and Independence had been compromised in this way, for the last 75 years.
However, as a result of the 2018 General Elections, Imran Khan became the Prime Minister of Pakistan. He was, from day one against Pakistan’s involvement in the US War on Terror, and when he came into the government he stick to his ideology and it was in his government the USA and the Taliban came to an agreement. Pakistan had assisted in these talks and worked for bringing peace to the region.
However, after the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan and the exit of the USA, he was asked to provide Military Bases for counterattacks from Pakistan into Afghanistan, which he refused saying “ABSOLUTELY NOT!”. This angered the Americans even more and then another regime change operation came into form. Once again, the Opposition was united and funded by the USA, buying the votes of the ruling party, and threatened Pakistan with severe consequences if Prime Minister Imran Khan is not removed from the office. Prime Minister Imran Khan repeatedly said that he will not accept the slavery of the West and provided an independent foreign policy to Pakistan. His visit to Beijing and Moscow earlier this year brought more anger in the eyes of the USA, and hence a Vote of Confidence was tabled against him and that was mentioned in the official cypher document that was sent by the Ambassador of Pakistan in the USA, who had a meeting with the US Diplomat Donald Lu. This was another regime-change operation in Pakistan which got successful as the allies of the ruling party and 20 parliamentarians sided with the Opposition, and this was Prime Minister Imran Khan was voted out as Prime Minister and a puppet regime was imposed once again with Shehbaz Sharif, brother of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, as the Prime Minister.
Now, the thing that needs to be concluded, that the USA has always used Pakistan as tissue paper and considered Pakistan as their slave. Any Foreign intervention and conspiracy cannot be successful until or unless there are traitors within the country like Mir Jaffar and Mir Sadiq. This is how the East India Company took over the subcontinent and this is how the USA through its proxy take over did.
My Pakistanis, do you really think this is independence, where any foreign country stands up starts taking your country’s decisions and force you to bow down before them. A country with self-esteem never bows down in front of anyone except Allah Almighty. By just drawing the borders on the world map, doesn’t mean that we got independence, once we get independence, you have maintain that independence, and protect it, if we don’t, then we would be forced into slavery again.
Now, it is up to us, the Pakistanis, that do we want to live in this type of slavery, or do we want an independent Nation for your coming generations? If you want independence, now is the time to sow its seed and the fruit will grow by the grace of Allah. Independence cannot be achieved on a plate, for that, every person has to do the struggle.
In the end, I would reiterate that the independence our elders fought for, is not what we achieved due to our lack of interest in its protection and taking the independence for granted.
My appeal to you all is that now is the time to stand up for your independence, if you don’t we will have to compromise on everything. If we can’t stand up for our independence, how can we stand up for the independence of the people of Kashmir, Palestine, and elsewhere? So, it is very important to fight for our independence, and for that, you have to pass through rocky roads, and sacrifice your lives. I hope you understand, what message I tried to convey through this article. It is Now or Never. Get rid of this unethical system where people sell out themselves for a few million dollars and put the sovereignty of the Nation at stake.
May Allah Almighty bless our Nation and give us the strength to fight for our independence. May Allah Almighty keep our Nation safe from the evil eyes of internal and external enemies.
God Bless Pakistan!
Pakistan Paindabad!
Thank You!!
*You have all the rights to agree or disagree with my opinions but you can’t deny the facts.
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