

Corruption is the BIGGEST problem in developing countries. Corruption exists in many forms. Corruption can be financial or moral. Both types of corruption lead to the destruction of societies and nations. It eats up a country like cancer. In the run of corruption, Pakistan is not behind, and that actually is the cause of Pakistan’s downfall.

Talking about Financial Corruption first. Many people here in Pakistan, are financially corrupt, these include politicians, and businessmen mostly. Unfortunately, Pakistan’s top leadership got corrupt after the 1985 elections, which were contested on a non-party basis, and many corrupt, illiterate people, made their way to the National and Provincial Assemblies, and this election actually polluted the whole political system of Pakistan. I don’t say it never existed before the 1985 election, we had corrupt politicians back then too, but this election proved to be disastrous for the political system of Pakistan. We got people like Nawaz Sharif, who entered the politics and ate up the nation’s treasury, took kickbacks, took commissions, and did a lot of money-laundering. These politicians did politics for their own personal interest, without looking after the national interest. This is the main reason for the country’s financial destruction. Our politicians came, they looted our tax money, built properties in London and other countries in the world through money laundering and tax evasion. Amidst these corrupt rulers, a new leader emerged, a former cricket captain, who led Pakistan to victory in the 1992 Cricket World Cup, Imran Khan, who launched a campaign against these corrupt rulers, and he fought against them and is now, after a struggle of 22 years, the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. His goal is to end corruption in Pakistan and make Pakistan a great nation. The problem is that corruption exists at all levels in our country, from top to the bottom, and it will take time to end the whole corrupt system and change it. Imran Khan is taking steps to end corruption, but surely it will take time and for that, we as a nation would have to unite against the corrupt people and kill this cancer, so that we build a corruption-free Pakistan, where everything will be based on merit, and for that, again we need to support our leaders.

However, the second type of corruption is moral corruption. This exists in nearly all types of people, more or less. This moral corruption is much more destructive, as this completely eats up society like cancer, and due to this many nations before us were destroyed. This starts from a lack of education and a lack of social sense. Today, how people are morally corrupt? The people are morally corrupt as they do not understand the realities of society. Talking about Pakistan, a country that was created based on Islamic ideology. Islam is the religion, which was completed by Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). The religion of Islam has laid down all the principles of life, which will lead to success. We, as Muslims, must follow or our religion with true spirit. Islam teaches us to be modest, however, in the current era, I would say, the young generation has lost the teachings of Islam. Today, I observe, that our new generation has lost the principles and ideology of Islam and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Today, our behaviour shows that we are morally corrupt, as well as socially corrupt. The only way to come out of this moral and social corruption is to follow the teachings of Islam. Today, there is a new trend of being “LIBERAL”. Liberalism is when you want liberty and freedom, but they don’t have the discipline, and without discipline, there is no freedom. So, instead of acting like liberals, we must act like normal modest people.

However, the other extreme, that is, conservatism, that’s also not acceptable. Both liberalism and conservatism are extreme ideas and must be condemned. Our conservative class does not tolerate anyone. They think they are the best, and so do the liberals, and that people must come to the complex, that “We Are The Best”. A human must be humble and modest so that he leads his life in a good way. Religious extremism spreads terrorism, and those people are conservatives. They are very narrow-minded people, who don’t think smartly. Whereas, the liberals are too open-minded, that they forget all moral boundaries. A normal, sane human being must think smartly, be broad-minded (not too open-minded), and be humble as well as take of the social and moral boundaries.

Concluding my article, I would reiterate, that corruption is the thing that destroys society, whether it is moral, social, or financial corruption. Many nations have been destroyed before us, who got corrupt, either morally, socially or financially. SO, let’s join hands to end corruption with unity, faith and discipline, and make our country corruption-free. May Allah Almighty help and guide us. Ameen





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